About Us
Cleaning and helping people with boats on the water. We enjoy sprucing up boats and keeping them nice.
This bay is stable and the boats are required to be nice. So we can help you resolve citations and notices too.
You see Lynn and the other harborhose mermaids or harborhose master technicians balancing appearence and readyness of boats on the bay. Cleaning, resolving bird challenges and regulation requirements. Topside and inside boats on the water. Mooring, anchorage, dock and you can talk to us if you are on the hard.
So we’ve been here forever and a day and still love it like ever. We know stuff, do stuff. No chopping wood but lots of carrying water.
As a side note: The harborhose webmaster will help you see the artwork Lynn and the mermaids do, check some of it out at saltyparadox.com four24-226-6907 michael dean
We’ll get you good pictures, do the shipping and viewing deeds, not a big deal. Lynn’s art is the real deal. Canvas abstracts with ocean feel and painted clothes…well, you know just check it out, it’s got soul.
Thank you we love you.
Our Vision
Hosing down the magic.
It’s so beautiful out here today- Mermaid
No bad days on the water- Cakewalker
Forget that last thing and your times up- Captian Bly
Our Team
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